Archive for December, 2007

A Merry Christmas Message From Czarina

December 20, 2007


Hillary Rodham Clinton wishes us all a Merry Bash Bush, Bring The Troops Home, Socialist Health Care, Take Your Money, Larger Government Tax-Funded Programs, etc, etc, etc. Everything a good socialist wants to shove up a Free Man’s arse.
Simply amazing.Hot Air
Right Angles
The American Mind
Right In A Left World
Gateway Pundit

The Tired And Pathetic Rodham…Would Be Czarina

December 15, 2007

Don Surber seems to think that Czarina is tired and old.  Jamie Wearing Fool says she looks pathetic as she panders door-to-door.  I am just sick and tired of her Leninistic and Stalinistic idiocy and she still represents a Clear and Present Danger to this country.  I place her in the same category as Medea (Susan) Benjamin.




December 11, 2007


Republicans – hoping to run against the smartest woman in America – are sitting on pins and needles as Obama makes big strides

Jimmy Z –  The panic and tension in the Hillary campaign is unquestionable. Democrats by and large are skeptical now about her candidacy. Liberals want to win the White House. They do not want to run with Hillary if Hillary can’t win.

Oprah Winfrey’s embracing and endorsing of Barack Obama was in the news literally all weekend long (never mind that Rush Limbaugh’s appearance in Washington State drew more people than the largest Oprah/Obama fiasco). Obama is on a roll.

But does Obama have the legs to take the prize? We don’t think so. The Obama team cannot possibly out maneuver Clinton, Inc., can they?

Barack also lacks any real experience in national politics. In the long run this is going to cause him some real trouble. As the major primaries roll up, Hillary is likely to take over and come on strong.

We sure hope so. What Obama has shown is that although he doesn’t have the stamina and team to pull it off, Hillary is obviously not invincible. And if someone is going to knock her out, we want it to be a Republican candidate.

William Jefferson Clinton Redefines the Term “Liar”

December 11, 2007


Thank God for the internet that Gore made! A special transcript can be found at Newsbusters.

The former (thank God) President, Bill Clinton, “didn’t keep all of his speeches” but, some of us have and, we, The Rabid Right Wing Steam Rollers know how to “Google It”. This tid-bit is just too much. Today, on the CBS Early Show with Harry Smith, a softball interview with Bill Clinton went south.

Harry Smith said, “When you were in Muscatine a week and a half or so ago, right, and said, I’ve always been against this, speaking about the Iraq war, I did a little Googling last night, and the best I could tell was you said the weapons inspectors should be allowed to do their jobs.”

That’s the best this asshat could do? No wonder the Lame Stream Media is in such shambles! Here, at A Newt One, we will do what the Lame Stream should be doing. we have, at our beckon call, the internet that Gore made therein, all manner OF “things” can be found. We “Googled It” and found…GASP! Bill Clinton LIED!! This is Clinton’s answer, like it was the truth or something:

Look, I said something like that a hundred times. I supported threatening Saddam so we could do the inspections. The mistake we made was not letting the inspections finish. If they had, there would have been no war. And I was always against doing it without the inspections. As you pointed out, most of my speeches weren’t getting covered by the press and we didn’t copy them or anything back then. But we do have several records, including one six days before the invasion, where I said, I don’t think they should do this until the inspections finished. That was the deal. And, if we’d done it, there would have been no war.

Now, ain’t that sweet? The problem is…it is a lie. And, we do know what “IS” is.

President Clinton addresses THE Joint Chiefs of Staff: 2/17/1998

“If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program. We have to defend our future from these predators of the twenty-first century. They’ll be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen. There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein.

OOPS! Then, there is always this: 4/16/2003

“Saddam is gone, and good riddance,” former President Clinton said yesterday. Clinton also said Bush should not be faulted if banned weapons of mass destruction aren’t found. Said the president, “I don’t think you can criticize the president for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. That is what I was always told.”

WHAT? That is what he had always been told? Was that a slip of ye ole tongue? Is that the data Sandy Burglar Berger stole? WHAT? Bats in the belfry and the sound of crickets.

5/18/2003 Speech: Remarks at Tougaloo College Commencement

I supported the president when he asked the Congress for authority to stand up against weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

OOPS! I wonder if the salary Harry Smith is receiving is commensurate with his inability to “Google It”. If his pay is any more than $2 per year, heads should roll. Try this: Google Bill Clinton and Iraq War…let me know what you come up with. K?

One more out of about 1.5M…Time Magazine, 6/28/2004

So you’re sitting there as president, you’re reeling in the aftermath of 9/11, so, yeah, you want to go get Bin Laden and do Afghanistan and all that, but you also have to say, well, my first responsibility now is to try everything possible to make sure that this terrorist network and other terrorist networks cannot reach chemical and biological weapons or small amounts of fissile material. I gotta do that. That’s why I supported the Iraq thing.

The Iraq thing? The Iraq thing? I cannot believe that he would actually say that. The Iraq thing. I never want to hear any more whining about GWB’s pronunciation problems or quips about his Texas swagger. The Iraq thing?

The man is a pathological liar. No ifs ands or buts. The Clintons are the Darlings of The Media and always have been. They represent the epitome of socialistic America so richly pined after and lustfully desirous to bring to the United States.

Over. My. Dead. Body.

A note from El Rushbo:

[…] He just got away with lying again on the CBS Early Show because their researchers couldn’t find anything other than Clinton talking about weapons inspectors when they Googled. I find it just breathtaking, folks, I do, at how incompetent the Drive-By Media is. They can’t do anything right, and they don’t want to. They don’t want to get it right where the Clintons are concerned. […]


A while ago, others were chatting about this at memeorandum and at Captain Ed’s.